Text of first meeting of Athens, Greece, Chemtrails/Geoengineering Action Committee  December, 2010

Good evening.   

We  came together  this evening  to speak to people.  And  to begin with to speak to our friends in Cyprus about the creation  of a committee of struggle because our friends in Cyprus  who are involved with the aerial spraying established such a committee this year and set an example for us and we want this evening to start the process, and the dialogue so that a similar movement can start  here in Athens.

Perhaps we should say who we are.  My name is Wayne Hall.  I live in Aigina. I have been involved  with the aerial spraying for 7-8 years.  Mr Katsaros will say…. 

Nikos Katsaros.  I am a scientist at the Democritus research centre.

J am Catherine Collin.   I am half French and half Brazilian. I live in Athens and  I see chemtrails  every day, I see spraying every day  and  I want to get involved more systematically.

This year there have been some developments  with the subject. For a start, after the failure in Copenhagen  a lot of discussion started generally about something called geoengineering.  And  this geoengineering became a subject of discussion and finally of an initiative by a group  called the ETC group which founded a movement  called “Hands off Mother Earth”.    I don’t know if Mr. Katsaros wants to say anything about that initiative because we supported it, concretely. We  put on our site an open letter  to “Hands off Mother Earth” to make it clear that we support  the initiative that was started by the ETC group and the movement called  “Hands off Mother Earth”. I don’t know if Mr. Katsaros   wants to say anything about that:

Nikos Katsaros: Yes, for a start let’s say a few words  about what this chemical aerial spraying is, or these chemtrails, as they are called.  Many people throughout the world, and particularly  in the NATO countries  have observed aircraft, without distinctive markings, leaving  white trails which by contrast with ordinary trails do not disappear within a few minutes  but instead remain in the sky for a long time and many times spread out,   and moreover  the aircraft that leave  these chemical trails behind them don’t go in straight lines but leave grid patterns  or go in zig zags  and this has made many people wonder what is going on and what they are spraying us with and although to date no responsible answer has been given,  governments have allowed the idea to get around  that something  is being done for the good of humanity, that it is a means of dealing with the greenhouse phenomenon,  in other words global warming or climate change,  so in these aircraft trails, in the fuel   they put particles of aluminium and barium which, when expelled with the exhaust,  reflect the sunlight. Less sunlight reaches  the earth,  and the temperature falls.  So the greenhouse phenomenon is dealt with, using particles of aluminium and barium.   We should note  here that  both aluminium and barium are toxic substances.  However long they remain in the sky at some point they will fall to earth, they will pollute the water-table   and from there the food chain and they will not only affect human health  but  also damage the environment.

WH:  Mr. Katsaros….

Nikos Katsaros:  This is the reason for our opposition to this spraying – nobody  knows exactly what it is,  but this is what  they have  allowed to leak -  and no government  gives a responsible answer .

WH: Mr. Katsaros do you believe  that  the objective of the spraying is geoengineering, that  it aims,  as is implied by certain statements, not official statements,  at geoengineering,   that the purpose of the spraying is geoengineering?

Nikos Katsaros: To start with geoengineering   is a new branch of science which has appeared in the last ten years and is aimed at handling large planetary phenomena.    One of those phenomena is climate change. So part of geoengineering involves  at the planetary level,  dealing with the greenhouse phenomenon.   And  famous scientists such as Paul Crutzen who received the Nobel Prize  for discovering the ozone hole recommended something similar  to what is happening with chemtrails, with aerial spraying of chemicals.   That is to say he recommended that particles – in this case sulphur –  should be lifted up in the atmosphere at a great height. That the sunlight  be reflected  from them,  that less sunlight should reach the earth  and the greenhouse phenomenon  be deal with in this way. So geoengineering –   which also proposes  other solutions – includes that activity which is called aerial spraying or chemtrails and we as action committee are opposed   both to the chemical spraying  and to geoengineering,  because the consequences  of planetary experiments of this kind are unknown and they should not be implemented  before we are sure that they will not have consequences for the environment, for human health and for the water table.

WH: Catherine do you believe that the spraying  is for geoengineering purposes?

Catherine Collin:  Perhaps. Perhaps yes, perhaps no.  I have been sick because of the spraying in Athens. And my two cats were vomiting when the spraying was very intense.  Mr Katsaros is certainly right that the spraying  can have very bad consequences for health.

WH:  Certain people who don’t believe in climate change –   skeptics – think that the spraying is for other purposes. That’s why I’m asking.

Catherine Collin:  Yes, climate change is a misleading idea.  For as long as we talk about climate change we don’t talk about t the spraying.  We remain on the subject of whether there is or is not climate change.  Climate change might exist for other reasons  apart  from human causes.  It could be because there was a shift of the Earth’s axis when the comet Phaethon passed.  Many comets  have come close to the Earth. There has been a shift of the axis,  and that may have something to  do with it.

WH:  My view is that in the situation we are in it doesn’t make much difference  whether the purpose of the spraying is -  some people say things like this – to kill us or to decrease fertility and so on,  or whether the purpose is to prepare the ground for the genetically modified plants of Monsanto  that are resistant to aluminium  or whether it is to facilitate the operations of HAARP,  or whether the purpose is what they say, to reduce the level of sunlight  that reaches the earth.  The fact is that all these ideas are considered to be                                                                                                       conspiracy theories and so are kept outside the permitted boundaries of public discussion.  The only thing that is beginning now to be permitted is the subject of geoengineering  because – particularly after the failure of the Climate Summit in Copenhagen -  governments, and particularly the US government  are trying to secure the consent of the public  to the idea that geoengineering is acceptable,  an acceptable solution to the problem  of climate change.

And so this determines the framework  of the discussion. The discussion  is permitted, and so for that reason we have this discussion.   

Part 2

Would you like to  say something?

Nikos Katsaros:  Yes, it is to be expected, Wayne, that  from the moment that no government says officially why this chemical aerial spraying  is taking place, conspiracy scenarios will be generated.  And a lot of those conspiracy scenarios mention that after the aerial spraying  some people  experience headaches, dizziness, discomfort and we have the  specific instance a few years ago in a town in Canada, Hispanola, 90 percent  of the population of the area, after such aerial spraying,  experienced something that seemed like flu and called the Canadian government health service who examined the inhabitants and found that 90 percent of the population were indeed suffering  from a strange kind of virus infection but they never told those people where the infection  had come from, what the facts were, and what exactly was happening after the chemical spraying.  So the requirement is  – and we in our movement insist - that the responsible governments  of every country where this chemical spraying  has been observed should give a responsible  and objective answer on what is happening and if what we say is happening, why  it is happening,   what purposes it serves, and how we can be protected from such experiments, so geoengineering,  which is a broader subject, but includes the chemical spraying, must be dealt with accordingly,  because there have been international conferences and geoengineering is now a recognized branch of science which introduces specific measures and planetary experiments to forestall phenomena that concern,  that affect, the whole planet.

WH:  Mr. Katsaros, you recently went to Cyprus,    where you were invited there by some parliamentarians and I believe bya group of citizens -  THE group of citizens, the action committee, to be specific,, but perhaps  you can describe to us  your trip to Cyprus.

Nikos Katsaros:  I  saw that in Cyprus there is a real democracy.   I  say that in the sense that in Greece we have  been struggling  for years  to get the Greek parliament to give  an official answer to the question  of whether this spraying is occurring and  why. And so far nobody has given us  an official answer.  On the contrary they have ignored us, whereas in Cyprus the parliamentary committee for the environment of the Republic of Cyprus was convened  and all the parliamentarians of the committee for the environment of the Cypriot parliament   were present and at the same time they had summoned senior officials                                                                                                                               of the Foreign Ministry, the Defence Ministry, the Interior Ministry, the Environment Ministry,  the Health Ministry,  the Agricultural Development  Ministry and senior state officials  from the Water Service,  the Meteorological Service, the Civil Aviation Authority and a number of other  state functionaries and at the same time they had invited a representative  of the British base at Akrotiri.  

So it was a wide-ranging and very serious discussion on the phenomenon of the aerial spraying,  which was convened, I should point out, in response to a position paper delivered by the Citizens’ Initiative against Chemical Aerial Spraying and to the testimonies of the Citizens’ Initiative against Chemical Aerial Spraying a number of responses   were given by the relevant  functionaries   and finally there was unanimous acceptance by   the Environment Committee of the Cypriot Parliament  of the position paper delivered there  that after chemical spraying  special planes should be sent up  and should collect in special filters  and that then there should be analysis and an official answer be given as to what substances are to be found   in this chemical spraying,  why it is being conducted and if is not being conducted   to provide reassurance to the Cypriot people  because there is a prevalent anxiety   that this aerial spraying is being carried out  from the base at Akrotiri, probably, so that it influences many phenomena   including various other protests  that have made their appearance  there.

But the fact is that the Cypriot parliament has shown a responsible stance to this subject,  and I believe that they will go forward also  with the commitment they have undertaken  for experiments to be conducted to show  whether something like this is occurring in Cyprus or not and the committee  of initiative against chemical spraying will carry out inspections and make use of the media to inform people  what is happening with this spraying.

WH:  Mr. Katsaros let’s talk a little about  the significance  of the stance of the Cypriots, because what happened in Cyprus  may well  be unique. It’s an initiative of the Cyprus Greens, who have a parliamentarian,  Mr. Perdikis, who is actively involved with the subject of the spraying. That is  something that has no counterpart in any other  state in the world, for a Green party to become involved with this specific subject, despite the fact that there have been many appeals from citizens to the Green parties.  There was no response. Only in Cyprus, and perhaps, our hope is now that this  will act as an example, and it will spread.

We should not forget that three Green parliamentarians  in Germany  took out a lawsuit against the German government  that this chemical spraying  is taking place and they have not been informed.  So it would be good for the moment, whether it is  the movement in Cyprus or the Greek movement here or wherever else such movements are established  to pressure their responsible governments so that they give honest and responsible answers   to the question of the chemical aerial spraying that hundreds or thousands of people in the world  are constantly observing.  So too our action committee aims to pressure  the Greek government and the responsible functionaries to give a responsible answer. The same, I believe,  should happen in other countries, because citizens’ movements exist there too.  Many of them,  of course, direct questions to their governments. These questions are not answered but the more  this demand from  the citizens intensifies for their governments to answer, the more urgent  it becomes,  so that at some point they will be obliged to tell us what is happening.  If it is happening for the good of humanity why isn’t it publicized so that  all the scientific community, everyone who can, can help solve the problem of the greenhouse effect  or climate change as they describe,  as they give us to understand.

WH:  Let’s talk about a new development  which is the moratorium that was passed at the UN international convention  on Biological Diversity.  This moratorium was a product of the initiatives of the ETC group as we have mentioned.  They managed   to secure the support of almost all states  with the exception of the United States  and a few other insignificant instances –   essentially all the states of the world  support this moratorium, which means now that geoengineering, and specifically what  is called Solar Radiation Management ,  which is the phenomenon that is linked  with chemtrails in the popular consciousness, is now illegal, and this development is something   that should become known.

It was buried by the media.  Few people  know about it.  But despite that, the moratorium was passed  and  the question now  is: what is our reaction?

We have found out who went from Greece  to that Convention and who represented Greece there.  And I think that the next  step  is to speak with these people and to ask them what their opinion is  of the reasons that the Greek state signed a moratorium  that it is clearly not observing. What do you say to that?

Nikos Katsaros: This is truly a very serious matter  because for a start many people  who heard from us about the chemical spraying, the chemtrails, either thought that we were ridiculous or that we were  dreamers  and in many cases  we became  the butt of ironic remarks.   And now we have the United Nations in a conference that took place on biological diversity  officially recognizing that there should be  a moratorium,  in other words a suspension, of geoengineering activities, and specifically  a suspension of all activities  that are either programmed  or are already occurring in the form of chemical spraying  for the next five years .

So we have official recognition from the United Nations  that such experiments are  either taking place  or are about to, and because  this sows doubt  about people’s safety from the chemical   spraying,  there is a moratorium,  that is to say a halt to this activity for the next five years,  so it is official recognition and I address myself   to all those who thought us marginalized,  made us the object of ironic comments,  thought us silly people  with our heads in the clouds that the United  Nations itself acknowledges that this is happening or is programmed to happen   and warns that it should not do so.

And this is the other great responsibility  of the Greek government   and the president  of the Environmental Committee  of the Greek Parliament, who was present   and voted for that moratorium, to tell us specifically  whether in Greece  this spraying is taking place, if it is planned  and what the authorities are planning to do, finally.  The authorities, the state  must answer this question.

And we, as active citizens, and Catherine also,   and you, and all of us, must help,  must pressure the government    to give an official answer. Given that it VOTED that moratorium  what measures it plans to take. We can’t wait any longer. 

WH:  Mr. Katsaros I was born in Australia  and I still have some links with Australia and because of the initiative we are taking I discovered that in Australia too certain chemtrails activists have found the names  of the people who went to Nagoya, and they will ask the same e question there.

Catherine, you have lived in many countries. Do you think it is possible for us  to ask the same question in many states? 

Catherine Collin:  Yes, yes, in France, from where I came,  there are people who are anxious  about chemtrails, what they see,  what they feel.  And in Switzerland.   And in Brazil.

WH:  Of course many people have  a suspicious attitude to the moratorium. Particularly the skeptics,  and people  who are not in love with the UN.  They have the view that perhaps  the UN is worse than the spraying. Have you seen that phenomenon anywhere?

Catherine Collin:  I have read that the UN  has a vested interest in having control  geoengineering.  It wants to have  the upper hand, to be in control . The moratorium is just for show, finally.

WH:  The ETC group thinks that it is preferable for the UN  to have responsibility   rather than the United States   or the Royal Society in England.  The Royal Society has started  a relevant discussion in England.  Up until now, as the ETC group says,  it is more or less an Anglo-Saxon initiative,  all the discussion on geoengineering.   Because not many other states participate in the discussion on geoengineering  and particularly not the poor countries.   That’s why the ETC group believes  that it is better for control, and discussion on geoengineering to take place   in the United Nations.

Nikos Katsaros:  I would like to add here  that these skeptics who don’t recognize the initiative and this decision of the United Nations to some extent are perhaps justified  on that point because there is indeed  an article in the United Nations charter  that forbids experiments aimed at climate change because they are afraid that probably, in this way, regulating climate change,  they will very likely develop the next generation   of weapons of mass destruction.

But with this initiative of the United Nations  it is at last recognized  that nobody has the right to manage the sunlight reaching the earth because this management of solar radiation is aimed at bringing changes to the climate with unknown consequences, or consequences that will  benefit only certain individuals,  for reasons that are still unknown.

So it is very positive, and everyone   from their own viewpoint should support  this decision  taken by the United Nations   and responsible governments, particularly those that signed it, should declare explicitly  and categorically what measures they plan to take and also to pressure the governments   of the great powers , like the United States  to give their reasons why they did not sign  and what their purpose is.                                                                                                           

WH: As far as the ETC group is concerned,   which started the “Hands off Mother Earth” initiative, I believe, and I think all of us believe,  that their negative stance towards geoengineering   is honest,  But not everything they say  in relation to geoengineering is honest. For example that the geoengineering programmes   have not been put into application on a large scale. Perhaps this lack of frankness on the part  of the ETC Group was in a way the tax they had to pay to be more inside the action,  more inside the discussions, than we are, for example.  But we should not accept  direct collaboration or dialogue with them unless they are prepared to give us reassurances  that they will stop talking to the media about whether  chemtrails exist or don’t exist.  That is the subject that preoccupies the media. 

It is not a subject that preoccupies us,  because we know what we believe.  I don’t believe that in  reality it preoccupies the ETC group either. But the ETC group operates within a certain system.  When journalists come with questions,  they have to say something to them.   But I think that if they want collaboration, or discussions,  with us, they will talk with us,   and not with the media. This is perhaps a hard stance, and of course it does not exclude support, because we support them,  without qualification. But if it is a matter of   collaboration and discussion,  we want honesty.  I don’t know what you want to say about that.  About the ETC group.

Catherine Collin:  Yes, we agree completely.

Nikos Katsaros:  I would like to add that because  many of those who are listening to us don’t know who the ETC group are,  that there are – all over the planet –  various initiatives, with different views,   both in relation to geoengineering and in relation to the specific subject   of the aerial spraying. All of them  have a common purpose, to publicize the matter,   because whether it is being developed  or whether it is  already in application,  this is a positive step, in my view,  that there is recognition that such experiments  are being planned, or are happening and they must be prevented, so we should applaud the initiative and embrace this initiative of the United Nations,  but the most important thing  is that we should pressure the governments,   particularly those that signed it.                                                                                                        

WH:  In relation to climate change,  many activists against chemtrails are skeptics

Part 4

But you don’t have to be a skeptic   in relation to climate change to agree that a bigger problem than climate change  are the practices that are being proposed – purportedly as a means of dealing  with climate change: geoengineering, nuclear energy, pollution trading, genetic modification of plants,  use of plants not as food but as fuel.

All of these phenomena  are being justified  in terms of dealing with climate change.  That is a big problem.

Nikos Katsaros:  That is a big problem and certainly  behind it  there is  great power,  specifically big international corporations  that are trying to gain advantage,  in any way possible, publicizing  the negative consequences  of climate change. I continue to be optimistic that there is time  to avert the phenomenon of climate change if an agreement can be achieved   among the states of the world,  that it should come about through  the initiative  of the United Nations  and that at the same time there should be exposure of those big international corporations  who work to exploit the phenomenon   of climate change for their own benefit to acquire ever greater profit  and we should note  that private companies have emerged everywhere on the planet, which promise  to cause climate change, that is to say  to cause droughts in one area  or to bring rain  to another area, and even  to exploit them for private purposes. So we have to struggle   by every means to stop big corporations from exploiting this  phenomenon  for their own advantage.

It is real, it exists, but some interpret it  in their own way , so that the big corporation can derive as much benefit as possible,  whether they are Monsanto, whether they are  big pharmaceutical companies, they are  big companies producing agricultural products.

WH:  Well, have we got anything else to add to what we have said?

Yesterday, from what I heard,   a meeting was held in Larissa, with many people present  and a local committee was formed. And the organizer of that meeting in Larissa says that such initiatives and such meetings will take place elsewhere also.  Can we believe that today we are commencing a networking  at the national level, and let’s hope that….

Nikos Katsaros:  It is something very positive   and initiatives will have to be taken  by other people in other parts of the country for the purpose  of pressuring the responsible government  to give responsible answers  and at the same time to take concrete  measures  and inform the Greek people of  them.

WH:  Well, the initiative is in your hands now.


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