Response from Claire Henrion

I’ve just translated this into French : 

It was quite difficult to understand but full of interesting ways for research. As the author is a ham, he gives precise details, in order to understand how HAARP works. 

He underlines what is absolutely necessary to underline before looking at the HAARP magnetometer’s readings : they just indicate frequencies that are received, not the emitted ones. So, it doesn’t teach us anything about HAARP causing/modifying/increasing the earthquakes.

But he notes something that seems to him abnormal between HAARP recorded frequencies and the telluric ones. Why ? Of course, there is a relation between both but it is not linear ! 

So, I don’t see what is relevant there to prove that HAARP has done something for this earthquake. 

We can just look at and try to understand those readings. Perhaps I didn’t understand anything, or I haven’t got a long time enough readings survey in order to do sensitive comparison, but, for the moment, I don’t see how to prove with that argument that some earthquakes are « helped », some others, no... 

A huge earthquake was detectable in solar activity a few days before. See: astrotometry 

For April 2nd and 3rd , solar activity allows him to predict earthquakes. Look at 

Magnetometers seem to show an increasing activity  
and a lot of recent medium quakes localize the area described by astrotometry

I think: if we want to speak about HAARP, don’t try to focus upon its responsability regarding earthquakes, until we haven’t get its emitting data, as the author of the article says. 

We’d better denounce the whole fact: playing with very strong frequencies upon the ionosphere which is known to the 300% reactive and which patterns all the atmospheric layers and currents is absolutely foolish and stupid !.

At least, HAARP would be useful to predict quakes ...

But very expensive and dangerous ...

So, it's a very good idea to represent this question to the Europeen Parliament. In the best terms as possible.

So, bye bye until next time.

May mother Earth rock us gently !


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